Cape Cod

AC_20130626_Cape_Code_aerial_01It took me just under four hours in two hops to make it to Chatham Airport on Cape Cod. The last portion of the flight was incredibly beautiful. This is a picture of the south shore of Cape Cod with the airport visible at the top of the picture. I flew here on Tuesday and the weather was great. It was also good the next morning when this was taken but has gone down hill since then.

AC_20130626_Hank_Noah_flying_01This was taken yesterday when I took all four members of the family I am visiting for a ride in Niner-Zero. This is Noah taking a picture of us while we fly over the ocean just south of Chatham. He took the controls for a while so I could open my door and take some pictures. Like the one above and the one below. He was a quick study and  was able to fly the aircraft pretty well so I was able to take lots of pictures.

AC_20130627_Cape_Cod_aerial_02Here is another one taken south of Chatham. The weather is lousy today and it looks like a front is going to stall along the coast almost exactly on my route of flight back to Maryland so I may be here for a few more days. The visibility is pretty good right now but the ceilings are forecast to be low for the next several days. There is a really nice low altitude route back to Maryland along the coast. Too bad all of the controlled airspace around New York makes it nearly impossible to fly safely and legally!

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